SATNA सतना रामपुर बघेलान ग्राम बांधा डाढ़ी टोला में महिला की हत्या
रात में घर के बाहर सो रही महिला का गला रेता, आते-जाते देखते रहे लोग; घबराए गांव वालों ने दोपहर
1 बजे पुलिस को दी सूचना
SATNA MURDER NEWS मामला रामपुर बाघेलान थाना अंतर्गत बांधा गांव के सरमनपुर डाड़ी टोला का मामला गर्मी से बचने के लिए घर के बाहर सो रही महिला की देर रात गला रेतकर हत्या कर दी गई।
बताया गया कि जिस समय यह वारदात हुई महिला घर में अकेले सो रही थी, क्योंकि उसकी संतान नहीं थी। वहीं, उसका पति काम के सिलसिले में सीधी गया था।
MP SATNA NEWS पता चला है कि महिला की हत्या रात में ही कर दी गई थी, परंतु गांव वालों ने पुलिस को दोपहर 1 बजे सूचना दी, जबकि हर आने-जाने वाले ग्रामीण महिला का शव देख रहे थे। फिर भी सुबह पुलिस को सूचना देने की किसी ने जहमत नहीं उठाई।
रात में हत्या और दोपहर में मिली सूचना से पुलिस अधिकारियों के हाथ पैर फूल गए, आनन-फानन में रामपुर बाघेलान थाना प्रभारी निरीक्षक अनिमेष द्विवेदी और डीएसपी मुख्यालय प्रभा किरण कीरो मौके पर पहुंच गए। जानकारी लगते ही एसपी धर्मवीर सिंह ने घटनास्थल पहुंचकर मौका मुआयना किया। हालांकि पुलिस को आशंका है कि रेप के बाद हत्या की गई है, लेकिन बिना पीएम रिपोर्ट कुछ भी कहना जल्दबाजी होगी।
अकेले सो रही थी महिला
रामपुर बाघेलान थाना प्रभारी निरीक्षक अनिमेष द्विवेदी ने बताया कि बीती बुधवार की रात शीला गोस्वामी पति रामप्रताप गोस्वामी (45) निवासी बांधा गांव सरमनपुर डाड़ी टोला घर के बाहर सो रही थी, जबकि उसका पति सीधी चला लगा था। वहीं, महिला की संतान नहीं थी। ऐसे में देर रात अज्ञात अपराधियों ने सूनसान घर पाकर महिला की गला रेत कर हत्या कर दी इसके
बाद शातिर बदमाश मौके से फरार हो गए घबराहट में ग्रामीणों ने नहीं दी सूचना घटनास्थल पर मौका मुआयना करने पहुंचे पुलिस अधिकारी गांव के लोगों द्वारा की गई अनदेखी से नाराज दिखे। थाना प्रभारी ने कहा कि एक महिला की गला रेत कर हत्या हो जाती है। वहीं से पूरा गांव निकला भी है, लेकिन किसी ने पुलिस को सूचना तक नहीं दे सकता। घटना की अल सुबह सूचना मिलनी चाहिए, वो सूचना 6 से 8 घंटे देरी से मिली है।
सूत्रों का दावा है कि इस तरह के व्यवहार से साफ है कि आसपास के लोग भी घटना में शामिल हो सकते हैं पीएम के बाद होगी रेप की पुष्टि पुलिस ने प्राथमिक जांच में रेप के बाद हत्या की आशंका जताई है। बिना पीएम रेप प्रमाणित नहीं किया जा सकता।
फिलहाल पुलिस ने अज्ञात आरोपियों के खिलाफ हत्या का मामला दर्ज करते हुए जांच शुरू कर दी है। मामले में पुलिस को गांव वालों पर ही शक है।
Rewa News :रीवा जिले में 4021 रोगियों ने जीती कोरोना से जंग
my normal comment is
Howdy, I’m Kaia Nail, good to meet you. I came from Georgia, however now I live in Oxelaer. I like my new place and this city. Looking for more details? Well, my job is equality and diversity officer, from time to time I love to learn more about home brewing
Interested in me I see, my name is Sarita Yoon, awesome to see you here. In the past, I lived in South Sudan, however now I live in Ibieca. I thank myself for choosing this city. I can tell you more, for example, my job is careers consultant, I have various hobbies, one of them is metal detecting. I use headphones to listen to african blues and I also love to read books, my favorite one is Epicurus – Letter to Herodotus Letter to Menoecus. After a long day at work, I love to play The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, I spend a lot of
Good to see you here, it is me Sariyah Bouchard, I am happy that you came here. My hometown is Micronesia, however now I live in Pereirama. I love this new place. Looking for more details? Well, my job is freight forwarder, from time to time I love to learn more about beachcombing. Do you love music?
Interested in me I see, my name is Sarita Yoon, awesome to see you here. In the past, I lived in South Sudan, however now I live in Ibieca. I thank myself for choosing this city. I can tell you more, for example, my job is careers consultant, I have various hobbies, one of them is metal detecting. I use headphones to listen to african blues and I also love to read books, my favorite one is Epicurus – Letter to Herodotus Letter to Menoecus. After a long day at work, I love to play The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, I spend a lot of
Good to see you here, it is me Sariyah Bouchard, I am happy that you came here. My hometown is Micronesia, however now I live in Pereirama. I love this new place. Looking for more details? Well, my job is freight forwarder, from time to time I love to learn more about beachcombing. Do you love music?
Interested in me I see, my name is Sarita Yoon, awesome to see you here. In the past, I lived in South Sudan, however now I live in Ibieca. I thank myself for choosing this city. I can tell you more, for example, my job is careers consultant, I have various hobbies, one of them is metal detecting. I use headphones to listen to african blues and I also love to read books, my favorite one is Epicurus – Letter to Herodotus Letter to Menoecus. After a long day at work, I love to play The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, I spend a lot of
Cheers, my name is Rosie Seay, good to meet you. I used to live during my childhood in Slovakia, recently I moved to Kihikihi. I like it here. Still want to know more? My work is about broadcasting presenter, I have various hobbies, one of them is glowsticking. Music is my life, I often listen to manila sound and my number one book is The Critique of the School for Wives. My number one PC game is BioShock, I love to watch TV shows like Laverne & Shirley (1976–1983), comedy, it is really good, both story and acting. Stay in touch via my
Good to see you here, it is me Sariyah Bouchard, I am happy that you came here. My hometown is Micronesia, however now I live in Pereirama. I love this new place. Looking for more details? Well, my job is freight forwarder, from time to time I love to learn more about beachcombing. Do you love music?
Good to see you here, it is me Sariyah Bouchard, I am happy that you came here. My hometown is Micronesia, however now I live in Pereirama. I love this new place. Looking for more details? Well, my job is freight forwarder, from time to time I love to learn more about beachcombing. Do you love music?
Interested in me I see, my name is Sarita Yoon, awesome to see you here. In the past, I lived in South Sudan, however now I live in Ibieca. I thank myself for choosing this city. I can tell you more, for example, my job is careers consultant, I have various hobbies, one of them is metal detecting. I use headphones to listen to african blues and I also love to read books, my favorite one is Epicurus – Letter to Herodotus Letter to Menoecus. After a long day at work, I love to play The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, I spend a lot of
Interested in me I see, my name is Sarita Yoon, awesome to see you here. In the past, I lived in South Sudan, however now I live in Ibieca. I thank myself for choosing this city. I can tell you more, for example, my job is careers consultant, I have various hobbies, one of them is metal detecting. I use headphones to listen to african blues and I also love to read books, my favorite one is Epicurus – Letter to Herodotus Letter to Menoecus. After a long day at work, I love to play The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, I spend a lot of
Howdy, I’m Kaia Nail, good to meet you. I came from Georgia, however now I live in Oxelaer. I like my new place and this city. Looking for more details? Well, my job is equality and diversity officer, from time to time I love to learn more about home brewing
Howdy, I’m Kaia Nail, good to meet you. I came from Georgia, however now I live in Oxelaer. I like my new place and this city. Looking for more details? Well, my job is equality and diversity officer, from time to time I love to learn more about home brewing
Interested in me I see, my name is Sarita Yoon, awesome to see you here. In the past, I lived in South Sudan, however now I live in Ibieca. I thank myself for choosing this city. I can tell you more, for example, my job is careers consultant, I have various hobbies, one of them is metal detecting. I use headphones to listen to african blues and I also love to read books, my favorite one is Epicurus – Letter to Herodotus Letter to Menoecus. After a long day at work, I love to play The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, I spend a lot of
Cheers, my name is Rosie Seay, good to meet you. I used to live during my childhood in Slovakia, recently I moved to Kihikihi. I like it here. Still want to know more? My work is about broadcasting presenter, I have various hobbies, one of them is glowsticking. Music is my life, I often listen to manila sound and my number one book is The Critique of the School for Wives. My number one PC game is BioShock, I love to watch TV shows like Laverne & Shirley (1976–1983), comedy, it is really good, both story and acting. Stay in touch via my
Interested in me I see, my name is Sarita Yoon, awesome to see you here. In the past, I lived in South Sudan, however now I live in Ibieca. I thank myself for choosing this city. I can tell you more, for example, my job is careers consultant, I have various hobbies, one of them is metal detecting. I use headphones to listen to african blues and I also love to read books, my favorite one is Epicurus – Letter to Herodotus Letter to Menoecus. After a long day at work, I love to play The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, I spend a lot of
Howdy, I’m Kaia Nail, good to meet you. I came from Georgia, however now I live in Oxelaer. I like my new place and this city. Looking for more details? Well, my job is equality and diversity officer, from time to time I love to learn more about home brewing
Howdy, I’m Kaia Nail, good to meet you. I came from Georgia, however now I live in Oxelaer. I like my new place and this city. Looking for more details? Well, my job is equality and diversity officer, from time to time I love to learn more about home brewing
Cheers, my name is Rosie Seay, good to meet you. I used to live during my childhood in Slovakia, recently I moved to Kihikihi. I like it here. Still want to know more? My work is about broadcasting presenter, I have various hobbies, one of them is glowsticking. Music is my life, I often listen to manila sound and my number one book is The Critique of the School for Wives. My number one PC game is BioShock, I love to watch TV shows like Laverne & Shirley (1976–1983), comedy, it is really good, both story and acting. Stay in touch via my
Interested in me I see, my name is Sarita Yoon, awesome to see you here. In the past, I lived in South Sudan, however now I live in Ibieca. I thank myself for choosing this city. I can tell you more, for example, my job is careers consultant, I have various hobbies, one of them is metal detecting. I use headphones to listen to african blues and I also love to read books, my favorite one is Epicurus – Letter to Herodotus Letter to Menoecus. After a long day at work, I love to play The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, I spend a lot of
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